We manufacture construction aggregates for international markets. Our products are used for road materials, asphalt aggregate, and concrete aggregate.
What products does Jamer produce?
Jamer produces a full range of ASTM standard size aggregates but can also crush to contract specific sizes.
We also produce a wide variety of Armour Stone products.
How are products shipped from the quarry?
The quarry is located next to the Port of Bayside and cargo ships can be loaded in 24 hrs to a receiving terminal or dock.
You can pick up material locally by truck.
What is the relationship between Jamer and the Port of Bayside?
We are one of the major users of the Port of Bayside.
The Port of Bayside is a great success story in the Charlotte County economy. The Port is strategically located for future development potential, providing access to the northeastern United States under the favorable flagging/trading conditions of the ‘Jones Act’. The Port is deep and does not require dredging to host ships of considerable size. The Port has operated profitably since being acquired from the federal government in 1999 by a consortium comprised of the surrounding municipalities and local business interests, including an affiliate of Jamer.